Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Libbisna bil-Qawwa!

Yet another hot day!!

The final version of Libbisna bil-Qawa is now ready. Tomorrow it begins to be aired on some local radio stations. You can download it here... Let me know what you think!

>> Download Song

>> Get Lyrics


G! said...

Prosit Rob! Vera song bis-sens u rhythym sabih... ir-refrain jidhollok f'widnejk u f'qalbek.... u prosit tal-pronunciation tal-Malti ;)


Robert Galea said...

10x Gis!

Anonymous said...

Hey Robert,

Great song...lyrics, melody, pronounciation and all! Well done! Best of Luck with your studies. God Bless you and Take care.

"God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them." Hebrews 6: 10

Anonymous said...

Hi Robert,

Proset ta din il-kanzunetta...melodija tajba hafna li tispicca tidhol f'mohhok u tkantaha il-hin kollu fil-karozza!

J'Alla tkompli zzomm f'qalbek il-ferh ta Gesu Kristu mqajjem mill-mewt f'dak kollu li taghmel.

John Paul

Robert Galea said...

J'Alla John!! Thanks and God bless you!

Anonymous said...

Robert, kemm inti promettenti! minn dejjem kont naf li kont se tkun success fit-triq tieghek, mill-mument li hadtlek b'idejk l-ewwel darba tliet snin ilu. Kompli fahhar 'l Alla Trinita'!

Anonymous said...

Kemm niehu gost nisimghek Robert. 'Qas ghedtli li kont se tkanta f'ta' Pentekoste. Jahasra, anqas nista' nigi l-Fgura dakinhar ghax hawn ha jkollna n-nies! Ma jimpurtax, nghid lil Giovita, Fabrizia u Claudina biex noffru n-novena ghalik!