Monday, October 08, 2007


Just came back from an AMAZING 3 days and am still floating in a cloud! Spent the weekend with Y4J.... a great group of 140 incredible teens. God is working so wonderfully in their lives. I'll post a video clip or 2 of which I used during some of the sessions some time soon!! Catcha'!


Anonymous said...

Hey Rob! You've taught us all so much this past weekend! Thank you for eveything, your talks were really funny and kept us all so attentive!Proset!The videos you showed us were fantastic..was trying to look for the one of that girl trying to go back to God but si kept pushing her away...not very successful!hehe
Thanks once again!
Gbu,Amy =)

LG said...

Well Done Robert! I really learnt a lot from your talks - and they've really helped me .. thanks :)
God Bless Ya!