Saturday, July 26, 2008


Home at last... after over 2 weeks traveling, having driven over 2,500 Km's to Sydney, Ballarat, Canberra, and Melbourne! This was such an unbelievable few days... having had over 10 performances - three of which were in front of 200,000; 180,000 and 500,000 people respectively... "wow"... that is all I can say! It will take me months to take in all God has done over the last few days!!

Tomorrow I head back to the seminary!

Here are some pics...

1 comment:

Qari Tal-Quddies said...

hey rob!

last tues (30th jul) my ignatian retreat came to an end. now i'm all geared up for joining the seminary, God-willing, next sept.

kept u and all the ppl there in my prayers throughout the WYD week. from what i'm reading and hearing, it's really been a success in the Lord.

tc mate...God bless.