Thursday, April 02, 2009


The last 4 hours of lectures for the term and I can't wait to get to Bendigo & be a part of parish life! As I sit in my lecture, here is my basic setup and 'strategy':
1. Laptop
2. Coffee
3. Sit at back of class where my coffee drinking and typing won't drive the lecturer mad,
4. Take notes
5. Stop myself from day-dreaming!
6. Try Learn a thing or two...


cappie said...

A prayer for contemplation - meditation - on the timeless message of Easter.

Lord, You have arisen forever
In my heart!

May the sunrise
Remind me to shine in Your light.

May the caress of a gentle breeze
Remind me of Your compassion.

May the fragrance of a flower
Remind me to blossom in Your love.

May the singing of birds
Bring a song of joy to my lips.

And in the closing of each day
May I remember to quietly pray.

Wherever I am, whatever I do
May my thoughts in joy return to You!

Cliff said...

Beautiful prayer , Cappie!

Anonymous said...

Thank God you aren't in my class:) Pat