Sunday, March 23, 2008

Jars of Clay and Adelaide

Happy Easter!! A last post before I leave bendigo to Melbourne for a "Jars of Clay" Concert and then a road-trip to Adelaide!! Wohoooo!!! Easter ceremonies were incredible and so uplifting!
God bless!!


Brooks said...

Hey Rob! Im at home with Gran and Gramps (granny and grandpa XD haha) and d rest of d older generation of our family hehe and we all want to wish you a Happy Easter! I hope all is going well for you!! =] Have fun at the concert.
Take Care Rob
God Bless

Ben said...

hey johnson!!
how are ya mate? hows aussie.. happy easter.. i like jars of clay ur so lucky :P kif ikolli cans niktiblek email :P hope seminary is goin ok! ejdilhom ma jhabtukx ta ax il call the boss :D
god bless buddy
big hug ur bro in jesus

Rachel said...

I was just listening to your CD and it reminded me to have a look here! Seems like you're really enjoying it!!
Blessings and prayers,

Anonymous said...

hey! thanks SO much for coming to talk to us at St. Luke's last night, i'm really glad i went and it was amazing... you rock *(nods)*

x Nash

rache said...

hey rob, happy easter!!
hope you're doing fine. i swaer, i've suddenly become super addicted to your cd, i need to listed to it all AT LEAST once a day XD.
God bless you mate xx