Thursday, February 14, 2008

Heading off to Seminary!

I'm off!!! Just a few minutes before I drive to Melbourne towards the seminary... exciting, but I need all the prayers I can get! I still have no idea of internet access in there... I will keep you posted!

By the way...I got a scanned copy of the article...thanks so much!


cappie said...

O Lord Jesus Christ, great High Priest, Lead Rob daily in Your unerring footsteps; so that he may become a priest who is a model of purity, possessor of wisdom and a hero of sacrifice; steeped in humility and aflame with love For God and all; an apostle of Your glory and a sanctifier of souls. Amen.

Anonymous said...

Hi Rob.I guess most of us are praying for you, since you will surely notice a big difference in the beginning.However, you will soon get used to it don't worry.Intelaq f'idejh u hallih imexxi hu, anke fejn ma tifhimx.Pat

Qari Tal-Quddies said...

hey rob! didn't get to see you before you left, or keep in touch. still, now that i read that u'r about to join d seminary on d other side of d globe, i cannot but wish you well and promise you my prayers. u'v been an exemplary companion when you "lived" just a few doors down from my room. Please also keep me in your thoughts that I may follow wherever Jesus' heart leads me, now, in this intermediate year and in the days/months/year/s (who knows :p) to come. tc

(i still remember you inviting me over to your room to play the newly recorded "run to Jesus (danny boy)" way back in my propedeutic year with much affection, not to mention other more personal moments of tete a tete conversations...i'll surely miss them once back in d seminary proper--God bless)

rache said...

hi rob, how are you? We're really praying for you back here, well I know that I am =).
I dreamt that you were back lately, haha it was great seeing you again =P
Ajma rob, take care and keep on praying, He's going to get you through any storm =D
God bless you loads and good luck. Prayers and blessings and a hug hehe!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rob,
Two days more and you start you seminary journey (Part 2). Praying for you a real lot.