Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Just got back from Sydney yesterday and what an fruitful time it was. We began the filming of a new music video with an amazing team - including an award winning film director, fantastic actress and more...more to be revealed soon. I also had some very good meetings for upcoming BIG concerts and performances.

Seminary begins in 11 days - it will be a little hard settling down in such a hard routine after a year and a half away from seminary life, but I must admit I am somewhat excited!!

Tomorrow we will be having a parish Adoration here in Kennington, and on Friday I go back to Catholic College to play a few songs! Wohooo!! Hi Five!!


Anonymous said...

hehe yeyy you're back =]
Glad you had a great time and aaa im excited for your videooo!!!
Can't wait to see the end product!

Keep it up Rob! So study, become a priest, and come back here! hehe
See you!!
yanica!! xxx

Ben said...

hey chocoate cookie with coconut on top!! ejja lets see a great video famous singing seminarian :P cant wait to visit you!! if God wills il be there running around :P
gbu tc
ur bro in christ ben

ps selili al kangaroos :P

Anonymous said...

aw bob its veronica! tinsiniex hawn malta ta'.....any way missing you and i must say i really like the songs of what a day constantly singing them.sturdejthom il- hbieb l-iskola. anyway continue doing what ure doing and gdluk for wyd .caw God Bless Veronica.XXXand pray for us for the lenten talks here in malta.