Wednesday, October 11, 2006

All Dressed Up!!

I had a good, relaxing day yesterday!! Woke up late and then chilled out catching up with little nothings. Today... Responded to some urgent emails and then attended a funeral of a 99 and 1/2 year old man. The parishioners were impressed to see me in my cassock (pic). After that I attended a few long meetings... one at the Catholic College, and the other was a finance meeting here at the parish. It's amazing how organized and professional these guys are!

Tomorrow I will be going on a bus tour to a village a few hours away where we will be taking a trip on a steam boat... will try take a few good pics!!


Anonymous said...

hey rob its marie claire from y4j !! the song H2O is amazing thanks 4 writing it !! And by the way your cassock suits you hehe !! tc Gbu

Anonymous said...

Hi Rob, it's me.Keeping you in my prayers. Fantastic diary of what you are doing. Just sent you email. pl read.AM

Anonymous said...

Benedicat te omnipotens Deus Pater, et Filius, et Spiritus Sanctus...

Good to know you are still one of us!! Hehe!! ;)

Keep smiling Bob!

Robert Galea said...

Aw Slice... I will always be!! Thanks Kev... Take care.