I have a massive headache from spending most of my day in front of the conputer screen. I am designing a web-page for the diocese here. Just want to give a shout out to the seminarians who begin the seminary today!! God bless you guys! I will be joining the bishop for a conference on vocations tomorrow... 4 hours drive away from here - So I have an early morning tomorrow.
Long Fridays (been attending a three day conference) make me look forward to the weekend. Hope you will have a restful and fruitful time.Pat
Heeey Bob!!
So glad to know that ur having such a good time in the Land of Kangaroos!!
Today i went up to the Seminary... we were assigned rooms on the top floor, & guess which room is mine... the one you had last year!! Hehe!!
Bob, make the most of this wonderful experience, but... make sure u'll come back next year eh!! ;) We already miss you!!
God bless you... & Turkmenistan!! :)
Aw Kev!enjoy the room! It was well looked after...dont 4get desk ta! Take care.
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